Microlink I-Tips Install Specialist | Port St Lucie FL

Microlink I-Tip Fusion Install Deposit
Microlink I-Tip Fusion Install Deposit
Item# itips
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Product Description

Micro-link I-Tip Fusion Install | Port St Lucie Fl

Micro Link Hair Extensions, also known as Cold Fusion, micro bead, or loop hair extensions, are applied strand by strand using tiny microbeads that blend seamlessly with your natural hair color. Each extension is threaded through individual rings along with your natural hair, and then gently tightened using a special tool—no heat required. This method allows the hair extensions to be reused, making it a sustainable choice. Typically, the extensions last for 2-3 months before they need to be removed and reinstalled. Installation takes approximately 4-5 hours.

Shampoo and basic styling (flat iron, body curls, or loose wand curls). Trim/Shape $30. Precision Cut $50.

*Deposit will be deducted from the service price. Bring your own hair or purchase mine. If purchasing my hair see Hair Fusion K-Tips/I-Tips link.

Service Price is:

$450 to instal 75 Strands

$550 to install 100 Strands (most popular)

$650 to intsall 125 Strands

$750 to install 150 Strands

$850 to install 175 Strands

$950 to install 200 Strands